Life Book 2014 – Week 20

I am waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy behind on my blog posts about Life Book 2014. And I’ll admit that I’m a little behind with completing my lessons as well.

Week 20 was taught by Serena Bridgeman. She’s a wonderful teacher, but I do have to say that I didn’t really connect with the Buddha image. I also had a hard time with painting over the spray ink background. It kept reactivating and it made it very hard to paint the face over it.


We were supposed to paint the face like it was in shadow. The head lit from behind. But after struggling with the spray ink background I gave up going that far. But I’m still pretty pleased with the outcome.


I did enjoy painting the lotus flower. We did it on another piece of paper and then cut it out and glued it to the front of this one.



Well, it’s all finished. I did enjoy making the background, but not so much the Buddha. You know what is really great about Life Book? That even if you don’t connect with a lesson or a teacher you still learn something. It’s good to be pushed out of your comfort zone from time to time.

Til next time…
